I am an avid self-help reader. I always have a highlighter with me too. I'm just highlighting the shit out of anything that resonates with me. Maybe it is to help me remember the words I am reading. Maybe it's because the fluorescent pink looks amazing, Either way. I love sharing the books I have read. Many of them have helped me in ways I could not have even imagined. If you have a book that sets your soul on fire, feel free to contact me!
"It is not your job to fit into a box. That is only a job for a cat and whatever you ordered on Amazon."-Unknown
You Are a Bad Ass
Jennifer Sincero
This book legitimately saved my life. I could not have found this book at a more perfect time. It is 100% a must read. Trust me when I say, I have bought over 20 copies for myself, my staff, friends, and random people I have met across the way.
Daring Greatly
Brene Brown
This is another must read. I had no idea what the meaning of vulnerability was and how important it is to master the art of it until I read this book. It has been a game changer for me and my relationships. I learned to be bold- and not in a shit head kind of way.
The Happiness Project
Gretchen Rubin
For a girl who has very little discipline, I actually followed through with a lot of steps she suggested. I created space for happy in life. Seems cliche, I know. Trust me when I saw that if you can create little bits of happiness, your life can change, Mine did.
Codependent no more
Melody Beattie
Codependency is not just a term used in conjunction with addicts of any kind. Though the book references addicts, I found that it related to me so much when learning to set boundaries with those closest to me. We all have such tendencies, it is about managing them.
The New One Minute Manager
Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson
If you are a manager, owner, or even the one who mans the household, this leadership style is completely eye-opening. Giving up control and allow others to rise up is key.
Bad Ass Habits
Jennifer Sincero
Did I say I have zero discipline before? This book hit me so hard, I presented an exercise using all that I had learned from this book at one of my salon consulting conventions. I have implemented many of the practices with myself, my children, clients, and my staff at the salon.
Grace Not Perfection
Emily Ley
Now I am not a religious type. I tend to change the word God to The Universe in my head and had to that quite often in this book. The moral of the story is, give yourself grace. Let go of control. Enjoy your time. Society has a tendency to make us believe busy is better.
How to Stop Losing Your Shit with Your Kids
Carla Naumburg
Laugh if you must. The title says enough. Kids are selfish by nature. Their frontal lobes are not developed. Do not believe the Facebook mom posts. They are losing their shit too.
Dare To Lead
Brene Brown
Just like Daring Greatly but for leaders. I would not only suggest this for business owners or higher ups in companies. I would suggest this for if you are a parent as well. We are all leaders in one way, shape, or form. Lead with vulnerability.
Colleen Hoover
Not a self-help book.
I have read several Colleen Hoover books after she became a sensation on Tik-Tok. However, this is the only one I would recommend. I still have so many questions. Her other books are like many written by others before and were a bit boring. This had me wanting to know more.
Miles High Series
T L Swan
Not a self help book.
Ha! I of course had to recommend something a little raunchy. Definitely makes you want to find yourself a rich man. I did but we are not on private jet level which is unfortunate. You have to love a little smutty romance here and there.
5 Love Languages
Gary Chapman
It is so interesting to learn how people show and receive love. It was a big eye opener to me. I could not expect people to show me love the way I wanted to receive it and vice versa. It has made acceptance and communication that much easier at home and in the workplace.
A Thousand Boy Kisses
Tillie Cole
Nor a self help.
This book made me bawl like a baby. I have never been so emotional while reading. I needed to break up my self-help run and give this Tik-Tok viral book a try... and HOLY SHIT. I highly suggest reading this. Just do not do it on a plane like I did.
Atlas of the Heart
Brene Brown
When we came put the proper language on our emotions, we can communicate better and have more meaningful relationships. This book also has a miniseries on HBO Max I would highly recommend watching. It is so incredibly eye opening to have a better understanding of our feelings.
You Are a Bad Ass at Making Money
Jennifer Sincero
Have you ever thought about your money story? Our society still makes the conversation of money very taboo and "icky" to talk about. Changing you outlook of money can make having the finances you desire more possible.
And her first book is my all time favorite! Have bought 10 or so copies.
Happier at Home
Gretchen Rubin
Similar to The Happiness Project, it follows the same format on how to create the happiness you want specifically in your home. You cannot out preform your space and your home is the vessel you carry yourself, your family, and more in.