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Know Your Limits

In the fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending pursuit of success, productivity, and self-improvement. Trust me. I know. While setting ambitious goals and pushing ourselves to new heights can be admirable, it is equally important to recognize and respect our limits. Think about it. How many times have we been burned out, pissed off, annoyed, irritated, and just plain ass tired? Knowing your limits is not a sign of weakness; rather, it is a powerful tool for personal growth, self-care, and overall well-being. Overall, we will be happier, healthier, and well... less bitchy. Let us explore the significance of knowing your limits and discuss practical strategies to help you embrace them.

amanda bossi limits
1. Understanding Your Capacities:

Everyone has different capacities, both physically and mentally. Recognizing your own unique limits is the first step towards self-awareness and self-acceptance. Use this as an example: I sure as shit will not be running a 5k. I know my physical limits on that for sure. I also know mentally, I do not have the desire or disciplined to even start to train for that. It would take a bear chasing me to run. (Even then, I may freeze.) Pay attention to the signs your body and mind give you – exhaustion, stress, or diminishing returns on your efforts. Acknowledging these indicators allows you to take a step back and reassess your situation.

Recently. I had to make a big decision in leaving a company I was working for. I was feeling exhausted, stressed, anwd would get icky (for lack of better words) feelings often. I had to take a look at what I was willing to sacrafice both physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially to continue. What I found out was that I was pushing myself and being pushed well past my boundaries. And well... that's not cool. I love myself to damn much.

2. Maintaining Balance:

One of the primary benefits of knowing your limits is achieving a sense of balance in life. By understanding what you can realistically handle, you can make more informed decisions about how to allocate your time, energy, and resources. Striving for balance helps prevent burnout, enhances your overall productivity, and allows you to maintain healthier relationships.

My balance was way off while I was working for this company. I misallocated my time for sure and time is precious. I was not spending enough time on my own business nor with my family. Before long the relationships I have with my staff, clients, and family would have been at risk. I felt it coming. I had to learn and learn the hard way that balance in my life is a priority and a precious metal that I needed to shine. I was tired and plain burned out from being tarnished.

3. Setting Realistic Goals:

Knowing your limits enables you to set realistic goals that are aligned with your capabilities. It's important to challenge yourself, but setting unattainable goals can lead to frustration and disappointment. By identifying your limits, you can set targets that are ambitious yet achievable, fostering a positive mindset and boosting your confidence as you progress towards them.

If your anything like me, you are always looking for a challenge or the "what's next." And when it does not quite pan out, we hold on to it for dear life. It is like staying in a bad or abusive relationship. Our friends tell us, "Girl, break up with him." We don't listen. We have teenie tiny, loud mouth voices in our heads that say, "It will change!" or 'WE AIN'T QUITTERS." I was there. I had big dreams and bigger goals with this job. The more and more defeated I felt, the more I knew I had pushed way past my limits. I wasn't happy but here I was suffering. Suffering is optional. I have big goals for my own business and ones I know are within my limits and flippin' achievable. I needed to focus on those.

4. Protecting Your Well-being:

Pushing beyond your limits for prolonged periods can have detrimental effects on your physical and mental health. Learning to recognize when you need to step back and recharge is crucial for preserving your overall well-being. Prioritizing self-care and taking breaks when necessary allows you to maintain your energy levels, reduce stress, and avoid burnout.

My health took a huge beating. Mysterious rashes and illnesses took over my life. After seeing multiple doctors (including one I paid a pretty penny for out of pocket), turns out many of my ailments were being exasperated by the stress and burn out. I always thought og myself as resilient. People look at me in awe and are amazed how I seem untouched by chaos. Well, my insides were like, "Well bitch, just kidding!" My body held onto the stress even as I didn't show it on the outside.

5. Embracing Imperfection:

Knowing your limits means embracing the fact that you are not superhuman and that it's okay to make mistakes or ask for help. Accepting your limitations fosters self-compassion and a healthier attitude towards failure. Instead of seeing limitations as shortcomings, view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Another point, when someone else expects you to be superhuman... RUN. You have worked too hard to learn of your self-worth. Mistakes are opportunities. Neither you nor anyone else should make you feel otherwise. I do not regret having worked or having left this company. I didn't know what I know now and I wouldn't know now what I didn't know then. It has made me a stronger person. I have a better relationship with myself- and my staff, friends, and family. I look at it as a reminder, not a mistake. Everything we go through, the good, bad, and ugly, we learn big lessons. Our experiences even teach others. Look at you reading this blog now. If it wasn't of my shortcomings, I would not be able to share my experiences and learnings with you. I wouldn't be able to empower.

6. Learning to Say No:

One of the most powerful ways to respect your limits is by learning to say no. It's natural to want to please others or take on more responsibilities, but overcommitting yourself can lead to overwhelming stress and compromised well-being. Learning to set boundaries and saying no when necessary empowers you to focus on your priorities and protect your time and energy.

No is a full sentence. (Thank you Mary Kate or Ashley Olsen. I cannot remember who said it but I can see the interview in which I heard this quote.) Yet, when you are in the thick of it, you can't remember shit. Atleast, I can't. When I finally said no and was done, I felt relief. It almost felt like I won a prize of time- my own damn time. I did feel empowered to focus on my priorities. I felt like I was gifted myself. Isn't that some shit?

Knowing your limits is an essential aspect of personal growth and well-being. It allows you to maintain balance, set realistic goals, protect your well-being, embrace imperfection, and establish healthy boundaries. By understanding and respecting your own limits, you can lead a more fulfilling life, focused on personal growth and holistic well-being. Setting limits with others takes courage. Remember, it's not about what you can't do, but rather about what you can do within your boundaries.

Go set some muth-fuk'n limits!


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